
Isn’t it funny how dreams transform? How life moves and changes? How things we never imagined come to be?  I’m Stephanie. I have dreamed for years of becoming a doctor. I studied my life away and cried over classes and stress overload. But as I reached the end of my college career I realized I had another dream, another love and passion.  I feel in love with love. With beauty. With art.

I don’t know where this love for photography will lead, but for now I’m having fun with it!

I am hopelessly addicted to white mochas (but I’m a barista, so I’m in luck!). My faith in Jesus Christ, my wonderful family and darling husband, Dan, are the cornerstone of my world. I love to bake and the most amazing food of all time is chocolate chip cookie dough. My favorite way to spend the weekend would be swing dancing with Dan on Friday night, finished off with French toast and hiking on Saturday. I bounce around when I get excited and I love to laugh…loudly.


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